1300 Wells Fargo Place, 30 East Seventh Street, Saint Paul, MN 55101

Passive Income/Passive Losses Investment Calculator

Before you begin: The five cells below are to be completed by the financial professional or tax preparer. All other values are automatically generated. The Passive Income/Passive Losses Calculator results are hypothetical.

For information about generating tax-advantaged income for your clients, and how AEI Funds can generate passive income that may be off-set by existing passive losses to produce tax-advantaged income, contact your AEI Fund Wholesaler.

In need of a custom passive income/passive losses optimal investment PDF report for your client?

For Financial Professionals who desire greater access to the Investment Calculator, log in to the Financial Professional Portal. Don't have access? Request access now.

Passive Income/Passive Losses Cheatsheets: Click the to gain greater clarity to each category.

Step 1: Enter Client's

Step 2: Enter Client's

Step 3: Enter Client's

Total Passive Losses (Years 0-9)
Targeted Annual Passive Income (Taxable)
Distribution Rate:
Annual Depreciation Deferral:
Net Taxable Income Rate:
Optimal Passive Income / Passive Losses Investment:

Estimated optimal investment to off-set all current and recurring passive activity losses during the anticipated life of the investment.

Estimated Annual Distributions

Cumulative total of anticipated distributions.
*Distributions are not guaranteed and may fluctuate.

Step 4: Enter Client's

Step 5: Enter Client's

Marginal Federal &
State Tax Rate
Tax Equivalent

Gain Access: The Passive Income/Passive Losses Investment Calculator

Your name and email address are required to gain access for each session.

Financial professionals, do you need a custom passive income/passive losses optimal investment PDF report for your client?

For financial professionals who desire greater access to the Investment Calculator, log in to the Financial Professional Portal. Don't have access? Request access now.

Passive Income/Passive Losses Support Materials

This information is for illustration purposes only and is not intended as tax advice specific to any individual tax situation. AEI assumes no obligation to inform any person of any changes in tax law or other factors that could affect the information contained herein.
